Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The Bangus Industry of Dagupan: Fast Facts

Bangus Numbers

Total area devoted to the culture of Bangus:

Fishponds--- 930 hectares

Fishpens --- 24 hectares (licensed)

Total --- 954 hectares

Total value of industry in terms of Capital investment

Area development of ponds --- P 1 million per hectare and about P . 7 M per hecatre of fishpen

= Total value of investments = P 946.8 M

Total production is estimated at 15 tons a day excluding outside Dagupan production . Valued at P 75.00 per kilo it will be P 1.125 M per day x 25 good days

= P 28.125 M per month

= P 337.5 M annually

We trade also about 6- 10 tons a day providing income to the consignacion of 5 % marketing cost and labor for the others in the market.

Average production is 2.48 MT per hectare in the ponds and 4.2 MT in the fishpens

Bangus Profile

The entry of alien bangus in the Magsaysay market does not happen anymore in the city.

Dr. Rosario describes Dagupan bangus as a) physically good looking, tastier flesh and better texture b) it has small head, fine and smooth scales, bulging stomach, tender bones and a short lower fin tail c) if the belly is opened, there is no unpleasant odor because it feeds on the natural food called lablab

Why better bangus in Dagupan: Studies show that the following factors are present:

a) frequent flushing of the water in the rivers and the fishponds due to the perennial flooding which cleans the river and pond bottom of hydrogen sulfide causing microorganisms

b) Fishponds have less phosphorus

c) good mixture of brackishwater which favors good growth and balanced salinity with ranges from 10- 25 parts per thousand and temperature 25-32 ' C and good dissolved oxygen of 3-5 milligrams per liter due to the frequent chnage of tides since we are near the opening to the sea (Emma Molina, pic from fao.org)

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